Access Google Docs from Microsoft Outlook – Free

Locate, share, and work on Google documents quickly and easily, directly from your favorite e-mail client.( if it happens to be MS-OUTLOOK)


This is how it works;

1. Drag files to the sidebar to upload and convert them to Google documents. automatically shares the document with the recipients.

You decide to give recipients read or write access. Recipients simply click the link in the message to open the document in their browser. They don’t need installed.

When you send an attachment, for Google Docs asks if you want to upload the attachment to Google Docs and send a link instead. makes sure that the recipients’ will have access to the new link.

2. Organize documents in folders; star, rename, or hide them. Documents in folders have a folder icon. Clicking the icon opens the folder dialog which lets you move or copy the document to other folders. suggests users from both your Outlook and Gmail contacts. So it’s never been easier to share documents with all your contacts; there’s no need to worry about finding contacts from multiple address books.

Creating New Google Docs

This is where really comes handy. Uploading or creating new Google Docs files is as easy as a drag and drop or a click on the New button.

Pick up a document from the desktop and just drag and drop it into the sidebar. The document gets automatically converted and uploaded. If you have any folders setup, you can drop the file on top of it and it’s included in the folder.


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